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Champagne - Freshness, Finesse & Thrills

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"Come quickly, I am tasting the stars"
Dom Perignon

Champagne is synonymous with celebration and jubilation. It is so suited to such occasions that even the joyous sound of a cork popping simultaneously primes both a smile and a thirst inducing salivation in all those within earshot. This glorious drink should not be solely reserved for such situations however. Great Champagne is above all a wine. Be bold. Pair it with the main meal and even dessert - not just canapes.

Champagne is a region that is utterly unique. Too cool to make traditional still wines, yet with such stunning terroir and typicity, the wines made here are unrivalled by any other sparkling wine in the world. Charisma and character define Champagne. The bubbles elevate everything: aroma, flavour, texture.

So important is the purity, clarity and quality of the fruit and resulting juice that hand harvesting is mandatory. The complexity of the process of blending, ageing and crafting those delicate, beading, bubbles is huge. Yet despite all of this they are approachable and indulgently enjoyable across the entirety of their lifespan. From youthful, zesty infancy to glorious, golden-tinged, nutty maturity they always reward.

From the grandest of marques to the smallest of growers Champagne offers excellence and variety in a way that few other wines can match. Couple the consistency of blends without vintage and those that reflect the conditions of a single year and you have the best of both worlds. Sante!

Oli Smith
Private Clients

Offer remaining unsold. With demand set to be high please check with your account manager or email: for the most up to date list of available wines.

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