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2020 Château Cantenac Brown, 3ème Cru Margaux Château Cantenac Brown, Bordeaux Wine Region, France
£410.45 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
Bottle shot of 2018 Saffredi
Tasting Notes

The 2018 Saffredi is a regal, elegant, supremely polished wine. It may very well be the most refined Saffredi I have ever tasted. Silky in its first impression, with striking aromatic presence and exceptional balance, the 2018 is a total knock-out. Sweet red cherry, plum, mocha, licorice and cinnamon accents develop over time, but it is the wine’s overall balance...

2018 Saffredi Product Info Icon Fattoria Le Pupille, Tuscany, Italy
£733.90 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
Bottle shot of 2020 Saffredi
VE Vegan Friendly
2020 Saffredi Product Info Icon Fattoria Le Pupille, Tuscany, Italy
£751.90 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
2020 Château Léoville Poyferré, 2ème Cru St Julien Château Léoville Poyferré, Bordeaux Wine Region, France
£771.65 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
2020 Château Pontet Canet, 5ème Cru Pauillac Château Pontet Canet, Bordeaux Wine Region, France
£794.31 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
2020 Château Lynch Bages, 5ème Cru Pauillac Château Lynch Bages, Bordeaux Wine Region, France
£937.25 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
2020 Pichon Longueville Baron, 2ème Cru Pauillac Chateau Pichon Longueville Baron, Bordeaux Wine Region, France
£1,221.59 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
2020 Château Léoville Las Cases, 2ème Cru St Julien Château Léoville Lascases, Bordeaux Wine Region, France
£1,981.25 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
2020 Château Palmer, 3ème Cru Margaux Château Palmer, Bordeaux Wine Region, France
£2,384.45 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine
2022 Chambertin Clos de Bèze Grand Cru Bouchard Père et Fils, Burgundy, France
£5,043.65 Imperial 600cl Buy Wine

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